Andrey Postnikov

Dr Andrey Postnikov is a Senior Research Associate in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at University College London and is a member of the Infrastructure Systems Institute led by Prof Liz Varga. Prior to joining UCL, Andrey worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Control Systems at University of Lincoln. His research interests are focused on distributed systems, agent-based modelling, multi-agent control and nonlinear dynamical systems with application to digital energy solutions across legacy infrastructure.
As a DAFNI Champion, Andrey is involved in the Infrastructure Research Ontologies project, focussing on industrial ontologies. His part in the project includes establishing the relationship between the infrastructure relevant industrial and research ontologies, engaging with key stakeholders responsible for the ownership and development of such ontoglogies, and identifying the gaps that exist across economic infrastructure sectors.
Andrey’s interest in DAFNI’s computational capabilities is motivated by his preference for data-driven modelling and holistic approach to complexity for a variety of infrastructure related research projects he is involved in.
Andrey has published his work in leading peer-reviewed journals such as Applied Energy and possesses a wide range of interdisciplinary skills and experience. He received BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Engineering from St Petersburg State Polytechnic University and holds a PhD in Engineering from University of Aberdeen where he worked at the Centre for Applied Dynamics Research on reduced order models for marine applications.